
Sitecore User Group Bangalore

Meetups Sigma ITC Meetup - March 2019

Manage Static Resources in Sitecore in Helix Way

Saturday, March 16, 2019 by  Amit Kumar 40m
The purpose of this session is to provide information about how most of the Sitecore projects managing the Static Resources (JavaScript, CSS) and impact of these strategies in website and how we can utilize Helix/Habitat based strategy to come up with standard, which will be easy to manage and provide clear abstraction of Static resources.

About Speaker

Amit Kumar

Amit is a Solution Architect with 19+ years of experience in solution design, development and management using Agile methodologies. He is a Sitecore® Certified Professional Developer, Microsoft SharePoint Certified Professional and 6x Sitecore Technology MVP 2019-2024

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