
Sitecore User Group Bangalore

Meetups Indegene Meetup - December 2019

Sitecore Helix Recommendations and Conventions - Helix 2.0

Sunday, December 15, 2019 by  Amit Kumar 45m
Tags Helix
This session will provide the overview of Sitecore Helix recommendation and conventions which will help you in Sitecore product implementations
  • Highlighting what's new in Helix 2.0
  • See how to identify the candidate for Feature/Project/Foundation
  • Tools to support Sitecore Helix

About Speaker

Amit Kumar

Amit is a Solution Architect with 19+ years of experience in solution design, development and management using Agile methodologies. He is a Sitecore® Certified Professional Developer, Microsoft SharePoint Certified Professional and 6x Sitecore Technology MVP 2019-2024

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