
Sitecore User Group Bangalore


Centralize the Email Preferences of your customers

Saturday, September 25, 2021 by  Amit Kumar 56m


Now a day’s every web property wanted to connect with Consumer to provide the personalized services and for this they will be utilizing different communication modes to connect with consumers.

And there is a need of system which can control these communications from consumer’s point of view.

The purpose of this session is to share the capabilities of Sitecore Preference Center which provide more control to Consumers so that they have more control what shows up to them via Email/Phone/Text/Email with respect to your web properties.

The session will help the audience to understand what is Sitecore Preference Center, it’s importance and can be used to manage different subscriptions on multi-site environment.

  • Introduction
  • Purpose of Sitecore Preference Center
  • Sitecore Preference Center
  • Building Blocks of Sitecore Preference Center

About Speaker

Amit Kumar

Amit is a Solution Architect with 19+ years of experience in solution design, development and management using Agile methodologies. He is a Sitecore® Certified Professional Developer, Microsoft SharePoint Certified Professional and 6x Sitecore Technology MVP 2019-2024

Centralize the Email Preferences of your customers

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